Group photo Mullin Team

Mullin team kick-off

Our company's Management Team Spring Kick-Off is an exciting event that marks the beginning of a successful and productive season. This annual event, now in its second year, aims to bring our team together and prepare for the upcoming challenges. It is designed to inspire and motivate our team while also building strong connections that will drive us towards excellence.

previous sponsors

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logoThe Paak logo
2020INC logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoOE logo
OE logoOE logo



  • Attendance for (2) people for keynote speaker (Damon West) and Mullin Team Activity on February 1
  • Invitation for (2) people to event dinner and "after party” on February 1
  • Follow up presentation (maximum of 1 hour ) on a later date to sales or operations team at Mullin HQ in St . Rose on topic of sponsor's choice
  • Name & logo on all printed material (team e-mails, flyers, meeting agenda, etc.)
  • Social media recognition
  • (4) Custom Mullin T-Shirts

hawthorn sponsor


  • Follow up presentation (maximum of 1 hour ) on a later date to sales or operations team at Mullin HQ in St . Rose on topic of sponsor's choice
  • Name & logo on all printed material (team e-mails, flyers, meeting agenda, etc.)
  • Social media recognition
  • (2) Custom Mullin T-Shirts

boxwood sponsor


  • Name & logo on all printed material (team e-mails, flyers, meeting agenda, etc.)
  • Social media recognition
  • (2) Custom Mullin T-Shirts
Be a sponsor